Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hi, Nothing really to say. Why is it called blog? It should be called "Words". Just remember "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". That's my motto. Just trying to get my health in order. It's not an easy thing to do. What a bumber or is it bummer? Take the ribbons from her hair because they don't match anyway. Put another log on the fire because I don't have a fireplace and you probably don't have a log. Reach for the stars because they certainly aren't going to reach for you. Don't start thinking about tomorrow you haven't finished today. Say it isn't so Ethel or Ricky will be so mad. Be happy sings the little bird as he flies away with songbook in hand. Tootles...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Making Rhyme With the Time

I have restless leg syndrome my legs want to wiggle
The rest of my body will only just jiggle
To see anything close up I need a strong reading glass
If I don't have them around I feel like a big ass
My hair's turning grayer each day that goes by
So what do I do I pull it back and say Hi
I have age spots that look like the state of Kentucky
At least they don't speak southern that would be yucky
I snore like a bear thats down for the winter
Thank goodness for cpap it looks like a printer
I'm hooked on chewing ice because I'm so thirsty
Burger Kings ice is the best and 7-11 the worsty
These are just a few things that go on all the time
But don't think I'm complaining I'm just creating a rhyme

P.S. These things really do go on though and on and on...

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's after 2am can't sleep so here I am. Just read Hollys 8/1 blog about mom. She was and still is I'm sure a doll. I miss her a lot. I wish she were here so I could tell her how much I miss her and want my kids to know her. It makes me sad that H and H won't ever know my parents in the living sense. Heidi has vague memories of her when she died she said "Did grandmas batteries just run out?" Memories oh how wonderful and yet to painful to remember and so on.
July was a very busy month. Heidi went to Oakcrest Camp was holding back tears leaving in the bus she would not let me leave until the bus was out of sight. I figured when I went to pick her up after 4 days she would run to me. Not so she just said "HI mom" Needless to say she had the time of her life. I am so glad.
On July 24 we left for Disneyland. Heidi and Hayley danced there with the little dance group that they are in. It was a blast. I just love Disneyland and California Adventure. We stayed in a Hotel with Becky and her daughter Amy, and Karalee Questereit and her daughter Madison(they're in my ward. ) My feet hurt so bad though. We must have waked 10 miles a day. Karalee walks like a zippety doo da. I figured I would have lost 10 lbs but noooooo! I gained 4. After a few days I did lose the 4 plus another 4 lbs. Probably plumbing retention. My plumbing shuts down on vacation. I guess I was meant to be in the same place all the time, cause I don't work when I travel. Stubborn plumbing. We also went to the beach. Sandy and salty. Waves over our heads. I got slammed a couple of times. We still have sand coming out of our ears. We took a bus from Aneheim to the beach. What a riot. Crazy funny people on the bus. Mostly very friendly. Now I want to move to Disneyland. It is the most magical place on earth. Next time I'll have better shoes and friends that won't walk so fast. And be in shape you know...

I do have a new favorite movie: "Mama Mia" I took Heidi and Hayley to see it. We all loved it. The theatre was practical empty it was 12noon. There were about 12 old foogies. So I was really able to get in to the movie. I tell you I just loved it , loved it. It just tickled me pink. I haven't loved a movie like that since The Color Purple. That didn't tickle me pink though.

I guess I'll go play scrabble with Mavin or is it Maven. And chew my ice. Maybe I'll get sleepier and snooze off.
Later days and pickles on high